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The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system includes three major elements.

  1. Human Resources or Human Capital Management,
  2. Finance, and
  3. Student Information. 

A full list of the Workday modules to be implemented can be viewed in the Elevate Guiding Principles document (see Appendix A).  These Workday modules will replace our outdated Human Resources (e.g., PHR, eTerp), Finance (Kuali Finance), and Student Information Systems.

These ERP elements are part of a critical computing infrastructure that allows the university to conduct its core business processes, including:

  • processing job applications, 
  • processing benefits and payroll, 
  • managing the financial budget of the university, and
  • handling all aspects of the student experience on campus from creating course schedules to issuing transcripts.

Design showing that our ERP System has three elements: Financial, Human Resource, and Student Information

The ERP transformation is not just about technology.

Modern cloud-based enterprise systems include optimized business processes, so there will be changes to improve our existing business processes. 

The Elevate Project’s business process and organizational change management teams are working with units across campus to:

  • review existing processes,
  • develop new processes, and
  • help make necessary preparations.  

This will lead to streamlined business processes, allowing users to spend more time on mission critical tasks to better support our students, staff, and faculty.

Impacts beyond the College Park campus.

The benefits of modernizing our ERP go beyond the College Park campus as our Human Resource/Human Capital Management and Finance systems are also used by the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, and the University of Maryland System Office.

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