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Updated Procurement Requisition Types


We have recently updated the requisition types for creating a purchase requisition. Please see below for a full list of requisition types and descriptions, including updates to the impacts to purchase orders. 

Requisition TypeDescription
*Catalog - Shell ShopSelect for Shell Shop requisitions.

*Delegated - Standard PO

Select for non-catalog requisitions when a supplier does not need an agreement, and the order total is within the delegated threshold.
Delegated - Supplier Agreement Requiring Approval or Consulting AgreementSelect when supplier needs to sign a consulting agreement or supplier has a software license or other agreements requiring signatures.
Non-Delegated - CompetitiveSelect when requisition requires competitive bidding.

Non-Delegated - Sole Source

Select for sole source purchase requests (above delegation threshold only).
Non-Delegated - Multi-Year AgreementSelect when creating a requisition for a multi-year agreement over the delegated threshold.
Non-Delegated - Multi-Year Sole Source AgreementSelect when creating a requisition including a multi-year agreement over the delegated threshold that is only available for purchase from a single/sole source.
Non-Delegated - All OthersSelect for any requisition(s) not outlined by other Requisition Types.

*Newly added requisition type.

Dispatch a Purchase Order

The updates to the Requisition Types will directly affect Purchase Orders issuance. Requesters and Cost Center Procurement Reviewers will continue to receive Workday notifications when their purchase order is automatically dispatched or requires action to be manually dispatched. However, the notifications will include updated messaging.


We appreciate your support as we continue improving and working in our new system. 


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