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Tips & Tricks

There are many helpful tips, tricks, and shortcuts that can help you be successful using Workday. On this page, the Elevate Team will be adding new Tips & Tricks as we get closer to Go Live.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Selection Boxes and Lists:

  • To select multiple items in a list, hover over the top item you want, hold down the Shift key, scroll to the bottom item you want to include, and then press the space bar or Enter key to select the group of items. 
  • To select non-consecutive items in a list, hold down the CTRL key while selecting the additional items. 
  • Select all items in a list using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+A.


  • To find a list of search prefixes, type a question mark (?) in the search box and then hit “Enter” on your keyboard.

Browser Tabs:

  • Open a second tab in Workday while leaving the first tab unchanged: right click on any actionable item (blue font) and choose "See in New Tab."


Workday makes it easy to search for people, tasks, reports, and more using the Search bar.

Best practices for searching:

  • Avoid general terms like "find," "edit," "maintain," or "create." The more specific your search, the better. 
  • You can also use a partial search to find your results. For example, if you want to find the Maintain Candidate List Assignment task, you can use the search string “main can lis.”

Common search prefixes: 

  • org - Organization
  • sup - Supervisory organization
  • loc - Location
  • field - Report field
  • rpt - Custom report

Job Aids

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