Message from Jack J. Blanchard, Associate Provost for Enterprise Resource Planning:
February marks the one year anniversary of the Elevate Program’s official kickoff. Since then, we’ve hired 49 full-time staff from the Maryland community, successfully completed two phases of our Workday implementation, and completed 80 percent of the human resources and finance modules design of our new ERP system.
Notably, our team completed the last of our Customer Confirmation Sessions in early February. 468 staff members were involved as Project Implementation Teams (PIT Crews) and subject matter experts and attended 39 sessions with 4,626 cumulative hours dedicated to these sessions. Thanks to this incredible effort, the Elevate Program team was able to incorporate feedback into Workday’s design addressing additional requirements identified by Customer Confirmation Session attendees. Our team continues to work on addressing these requirements to ensure that Workday meets the needs of employees across the University of Maryland College Park, the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, and the University System of Maryland Office. The Elevate Program team is grateful to all those who have dedicated and continue to dedicate their time and expertise to the project.
Now that Customer Confirmation Sessions are complete, there will be more opportunities for all to engage with Elevate. On March 10, 2022, I will be hosting two identical 50-minute Town Hall sessions where we will share what’s been happening with the Elevate Program since our November Town Hall. This is an opportunity to gain insight into how we have been working across our partner entities to ensure that Workday meets our business needs, learn of upcoming opportunities to engage and stay connected with Elevate, and ask our program team questions about the Workday implementation. You can choose the time that works best for you by registering below:
Elevate Town Hall
March 10, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
March 10, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.
There is also still time to register for our first Functional Overview session, Welcome to Workday. Don’t miss this opportunity to get a feel for our new, streamlined system and its capabilities. We’ll demonstrate key features including how to navigate the system, find information using the search bar, access your inbox, and locate your Workday profile.
Welcome to Workday: First Look at Workday and Navigation
February 24, 2022 | 10:00 a.m.
Register Today
Workday Feature of the Month: Search

In conjunction with our Functional Overviews, every month we are going to highlight a different feature of the Workday platform, starting with one of the most essential features of the entire platform: Search.
Workday makes it easy to search for people, tasks, reports, and business data using the search bar. Like other search engines such as Google, the Workday search feature is predictive. This means that as users begin to type, a dropdown list will auto-populate with some suggestions on what they may be trying to find. Workday will also remember what you’ve searched before and provide you with recent searches. Search results are also sorted by Category so that you can more easily find what you need.
Since we are combining our ERP systems into one, streamlined system, Search will make it simple for employees to navigate through Workday and should reduce the time it takes to initiate a task or business process.
Words of Workday
Supervisory Organization
Supervisory organizations group workers into a management hierarchy. Jobs, positions, and compensation structures are associated with supervisory organizations, and workers are hired into jobs or positions associated with a supervisory organization.
Business Process
A business process in Workday is a set of tasks that people initiate, act upon, and complete in order to accomplish a desired business objective. When you initiate a business process, Workday routes the tasks to the responsible roles and enforces security and business rules throughout the business process. These steps can include actions, approvals, approval chains, To Dos, checklists, integration steps, and more.
A step, either standalone or in a business process, that a worker must complete. Tasks that are part of business processes will route to be completed in a worker's inbox.
Alerts or reminders sent in Workday/via email to specified participants upon entry or exit of a step in a business process.
Landing Page
Landing pages display application icons for easy access to the data and tasks available in dashboards and applications. The Home landing page is intended for common applications. Optional applications can be added and removed from an individual's landing page through employee self-service.
ElevateR Spotlight
The Elevate Program is thrilled to have a team of 49 full-time employees that have a wide breadth of experience and institutional knowledge. In each issue of the ElevateR, we will shine the spotlight on a staff member who is working hard to make our project a success.
Susie Katz
Program Coordinator for Enterprise Resource Planning
Susie Katz has been with the Elevate Program from the beginning. Hired on for Elevate in 2019, Susie worked with the Business Office while the program was getting off the ground. Susie came to us with a wide breadth of experience - she has been a pharmacy technician, a preschool teacher, and most recently, an office manager for an architecture firm in Orlando. During her time as an office manager, she managed the procurement and implementation of a new server and cloud backup system. She also just completed her second graduate degree this past December - a Master of Science in Business Finance degree from the University of Baltimore. Due to her background and length of time spent on the project, Susie is a key resource for the Elevate Program. Being with Elevate from the very beginning gives Susie a unique perspective. "As one of the first Elevate team members hired," says Susie, "I am most excited to see the project through."
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