Message from Jack J. Blanchard, Associate Provost for Enterprise Resource Planning:
Workday’s Go Live date of July 1, 2023 is fast approaching. I, along with the Elevate Program team, have been meeting with Divisions and Colleges to assist units to prepare for Workday. Importantly, end-user training for Workday will begin in April 2023.
Behind the scenes, our functional and technical teams are running thousands of scenarios to test the configured Workday system, integrations, and reports and meet the needs of our partner institutions. Our training team is developing training materials, including on-demand computer-based training, instructor-led courses and job aids. In addition, we have hosted eight Functional Overviews, providing over 3,000 attendees with a peek into the Workday system and functionality.
On November 2nd and 3rd, I will be hosting two identical 45-minute Town Hall sessions. Provost Jennifer King Rice will provide an overview of the purpose of the Elevate program. I will then give an update on the status of the Elevate program. This will include a discussion of the progress we have made since March 2022, highlights of major program milestones, upcoming activities, and I will answer participant questions. Choose the time that works best for you by registering below:
Next month’s Functional Overview is called Workday’s Got Talent (and Performance). This session will cover Workday’s Talent module, which has a lot of new functionality for employees to track their education, career interests, certifications, training, and more. It will also cover Performance in Workday, which is where managers and employees will complete their PRD (Performance Review and Development). This will move the PRD process completely online - no more paper! You can register at the link below:
Elevate Town Hall
November 2, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.
November 3, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
There is also still time to register for our next Functional Overview, which will outline how security roles and approvals will be managed in Workday. Security isn't just for our IT folks. Every Workday user has a role! Register below:
Your Role in Workday: Role-Based Security 101
October 27, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
Workday Feature of the Month: Role-Based Security
Role-Based Security defines what a user can see and do in Workday. This is done with a collection of permissions within a business process that govern the actions each role can take in that process. An example of a business process is Hiring and Onboarding. A few of the roles that may need to take actions in this process include: Manager, Recruiter, HR Analyst, and Central HR Partner.
Another key feature of role-based security is the roles are assigned to a position (vs. person); if the person leaves, the security remains on the position (vs. the security moving with the person).
The benefits of Workday’s Role-Based Security are:
- Security is immediate -- no approvals required!
- Tasks won’t be overlooked due to vacancies
- Access defined by the duties of your position
- Improves confidentiality and integrity
- Compliance in audits
- Increases data security
Featured FAQs
Will users have access to job aids and materials during and after training?
Yes, all users will have access to job aids. Job aids will be stored in a centralized repository, and any links to the job aids in communications, or within Workday, will route to this central repository.
Users are encouraged to access job aids from the repository instead of printing them or downloading offline copies to ensure that they are using the most up-to-date versions of a job aid. Workday is continually updated and improved, and job aids will be updated to reflect these changes. Each job aid will note the date of the most recent update.
Periodical communication from our Workday support organization will inform users of Workday changes. Changes to impacted training and job aids will be identified, and updates will be made as needed. An example of a change could be highlighting the addition of a field that must be completed in a given Workday transaction.
Words of Workday
- Approve: Approve is an action in a business process that designated security role holders complete to progress the event to the next step. In an approval step, you cannot modify the initiator's selections, only Approve or Send Back.
- Approval Chain: An Approval Chain is a vertical sequence of approvals, starting with users in the assigned security group. The chain continues until it reaches the top or meets exit criteria. A common exit condition is requiring approval from only two workers in the approval chain.
- Delegations: Delegation reassigns your business process actions to another user, allowing actions to be performed on your behalf.
- Initiate: Action to be taken to kick-off or begin a business process in Workday.
- Supervisory Organization: Supervisory Organizations (Sup Orgs) group workers into a management hierarchy. Jobs, positions, and compensation structures are associated with sup orgs, and workers are hired into jobs or positions associated with a supervisory organization.
ElevateR Spotlight
The Elevate Program is thrilled to have a team of full-time employees that have a wide breadth of experience and institutional knowledge. In each issue of the ElevateR, we will shine the spotlight on a staff member who is working hard to make our project a success.
Mike Passarella-George
Conversion/Tenant Builds Lead
Mike has been at the University of Maryland since 1999, serving in roles within residence life, academic advising, institutional research, and administrative system development. Before coming to the Elevate Program, Mike was the Assistant Director of Decision Support in the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment, where he led the implementation and management of several business intelligence and assessment systems. Mike was instrumental in improving the University of Maryland’s course evaluation system and processes to provide more actionable information to faculty members. On his role with the Elevate Program team, Mike says, “I really enjoy working with smart and committed team members to implement solutions in Workday that will improve the way we work.” Mike met his husband early in his career at the University, and they love living close to the campus community in College Park with their 12-year-old son.
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