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The ElevateR | September 2022

Message from Elevate’s Executive Sponsors:

Elevate and its implementation of Workday is the largest software deployment program in the history of the University of Maryland. As executive sponsors of this program, we appreciate the monumental effort and exceptional level of collaboration from the many staff and faculty contributing to the success of this project. 

One of the pillars of the University’s new strategic plan, Fearlessly Forward, In Pursuit of Excellence and Impact for the Public Good, is We Invest in People and Communities. One of the ways that the Elevate Program supports this initiative happens to be featured in Elevate’s upcoming Functional Overview, Workday’s Got Talent (and Performance) . As will be laid out during this session, Workday’s Talent module will have new opportunities for our employees to track their education, career interests, certifications, training, and more. This will allow for new levels of career growth and exploration not only at the University of Maryland - College Park, but across all of our partner institutions. 

We ask that you continue to make the Elevate Program a priority over the next year so that our campuses are fully ready for the Workday transition in summer 2023.  Stay connected with Elevate through presentations such as the program’s monthly Functional Overviews and future Elevate town hall meetings, visit the Elevate website, and of course read this monthly newsletter.  Additional events will be announced in the upcoming months, and in the spring you can expect information regarding training opportunities. Your engagement with Elevate is critical and will help drive us toward a successful Go Live on July 1, 2023.

Although our Elevate team is focused on Finance and Human Capital Management in Workday, now is the time to prepare for the future implementation of Workday Student, which is scheduled to Go Live in Fall 2026. This new cloud-based Student system will replace many of our current outdated student systems and provide an enhanced user experience for our students and staff. To begin early work on this effort, we are pleased to announce that Jesse Galve will be serving as the Student Core Functional Lead on the Elevate program, effective September 12, 2022. Jesse joins the Elevate Program with 15+ years of experience at the University of Maryland, bringing a deep knowledge of the systems, data mappings, student life cycle regulatory requirements, and current business challenges. Jesse’s early priority will be to lay the groundwork necessary for Elevate to begin the Student implementation. We are excited for Workday Student to transform the way we serve our students.

Jennifer King Rice, Senior Vice President and Provost
Carlo Collela, Vice President for Administration
Jeff Hollingsworth, Vice President & Chief Information Officer
Greg Oler, Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer

Workday Feature of the Month: Talent Management

Talent Management is the ability to view and track informative talent data across one's team or organization. It includes:

  • Employee education reporting for completed degrees and certificates
  • Tracking of employee career interests and development
  • Capturing unique skills or abilities

What’s the Same? 

  • Education information will be required and tracked for all employees.
  • College Park faculty will continue to use Faculty Success to report their accomplishments and activities.

What’s New?

  • Employees have the ability to add skills, achievements, languages, publications, work experience, and career interests.
  • Managers can track talent data across their team.

Featured FAQs

When will implementation for the Student system begin?
The Student system replacement will begin after the new HR and Finance systems have been implemented and gone live in July 2023. This foundation is necessary as the student system relies on elements of the HR and Finance system to run. 

Once implementation for the new Student system begins, it will take approximately 3 years to be fully functional (expected Fall 2026).

The new Workday Student system will streamline the entire student experience, moving our outdated student registration, enrollment, and finance systems to the cloud, and offering 24/7 access and a mobile app.

Students who are employed by UMD will also be impacted by the Workday Finance and HR implementation. This impact, however, will be modest and likely affect activities like applying for jobs and time reporting.

Is Testudo being replaced by Workday? 
Workday will replace Testudo when the Student system goes Live in Fall 2026. However, Testudo will not be affected when the Human Capital Management (HCM) and Finance modules Go Live in July 2023.

Words of Workday

Workday Logo

  • Career Profile: A tab in Workday that gives employees the opportunity to enter basic career information such as Education, Certifications, Job History, Skills, and Language Ability.
  • Talent Review: A business process in Workday used to collect talent information from employees rather than relying on ad-hoc entry.
  • Goals: Objectives typically geared towards performance set by employees or managers with a designated deadline.
  • Development Items: Smaller targets created by employees and manager to track growth and development of an employee's knowledge, skills and abilities, commonly without a due date.

ElevateR Spotlight

The Elevate Program is thrilled to have a team of full-time employees that have a wide breadth of experience and institutional knowledge. In each issue of the ElevateR, we will shine the spotlight on a staff member who is working hard to make our project a success.

Jesse Galve HeadshotJesse Galve
Student Lead

Jesse Galve is one of our newest members of the Elevate Program team, joining us this month as our new Student Lead. Jesse joins the Elevate Program with over 15 years of experience at the University of Maryland, bringing a deep knowledge of the systems, data mappings, student life cycle regulatory requirements, and current business challenges. Jesse's depth of technical and administrative experience in the student system space will add value as we continue the substantial modernization and transformation of Maryland’s core administrative systems. Of all her accomplishments on campus, Jesse is most proud to have led the implementation of Common App, one of President Pines’ first objectives when he was named President. Jesse is looking forward to this opportunity to contribute toward the Elevate Program goal of making the university more efficient and effective through simplified and streamlined key business processes.

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Your Questions Answered
From big-picture planning to the impact of daily routines, the Elevate team is available to answer your questions and address your concerns. 

Browse our list of FAQs or click the button below to ask our team a question.