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Last Day Activities

Freeze dates and last days for activities in various systems being replaced are listed below across Human Capital Management and Finance.

These last day activities and important information about the Workday Go-Live process will be communicated through a variety of channels as the go-live date approaches so system users are aware and can plan accordingly.

This page will continue to be updated as activities are identified and last day activities are solidified. These dates may shift. Any modifications to these dates will be reflected on this page as well.

Navigate by system:

Human Capital Management

This section provides details on last day activities for Human Capital Management across specific systems and functions.

Payroll and Human Resources (PHR)

High-level information about PHR:

  • Payroll: The November 22, 2024, paycheck will be the last paycheck generated from PHR.
  • PHR Access: Timesheet Adjustments/Pay Adjustments will be shut off after the PP09 transaction cutoff (10/28).  All other PHR modules except for timesheets and effort reporting will be turned to read only for campus users after 11/02. The data snapshot from PHR used to convert data to Workday will be taken on November 3.
  • FY25 Pay Period 10: All transactions effective in PP10 should be approved in PHR by 11/02. Where possible, transactions should be approved for a prior pay period OR held until Workday is live on November 15. Any transactions NOT approved in PHR by 11/02 must be held until Workday is live (except terminations, which will be processed centrally).
  • FY25 Pay Period 11, Pay Period 12, and other future pay periods: Transactions effective in Pay Period 11 or beyond will not be migrated to Workday. Transactions effective in pay period 11 and beyond should be entered into Workday once it is live.
  • Pay period 10 terminations: Any terminations effective in PP10 not approved in PHR before 11/03 should be sent to Payroll Services for central processing.
  • Costing changes: No costing changes effective after 11/03 in PHR will be loaded to Workday. Costing changes effective after 11/03 should be held until they can be entered into Workday.
  • Overloads: Overloads entered in PHR should begin on a pay period start date and end on a pay period end date
  • Pay period 10 job changes: Job changes for existing employees that are effective in pay period 10 should be effective at the beginning of pay period 10 (11/03).
  • Pay calcs: Pay calc approvers can view pay period 10 pay calcs in PHR, but will not be able to approve pay calcs. This will not impact pay period 10 pay.  Any necessary adjustments should be made when Workday is live.

Specific dates based on activity in PHR are listed below:

  • Changes to add, modify, or make obsolete PHR units
  • Create new time entry workgroups
  • UHR to close all empty time entry workgroups
  • Changes to primary supervisors in time entry workgroups after this date will need to be reviewed in Workday to confirm correctness
  • Last day for time entry adjustments for prior pay periods - 10/7 (end of PP08) and earlier
  • Last day for Pay Adjustments for PP09 (no pay adjustments will be allowed for PP10 or later - 11/3+)
  • Access to do timesheet/pay adjustments will be removed after this date
  • Last day to approve PP10 future transactions in PHR
    All PHR remaining modules except timesheet entry/approval and effort modules will be turned to read-only for campus after this date

    Any terminations effective in PP10 that were not approved in PHR by 11/2 should be sent to Payroll Services to enter these terminations centrally. 

11/15 (go-live)
  • Enter PP10 catch-up transactions into Workday 
  • Enter PP11+ transactions into Workday 
  • Enter costing changes effective after 11/5 into Workday
  • Complete Workday first day/first week activities (to be defined at a later date)

Time Entry and Time-Off

The last timesheet completed in PHR will be the timesheet for FY25 Pay Period 9 (10/20-11/2). 

Pay period 10 timesheets (11/3-11/16) will be completed in Workday once it is live.

Specific dates related to timesheets are below.

  • Cutoff for timesheet approval for pay period 9 in PHR (PP9 timesheets (days worked 10/20-11/2) will be the last timesheets completed in PHR)
  • Manual time entry employees begin time entry in Workday for pay period 10*
  • Employees begin entering time-off in Workday for pay period 10
  • Deadline for employees to submit time and time-off/leave for PP10 in Workday
  • Campus cutoff for timesheet approval for first timesheet completed in Workday

* Guidance for employees using Kronos is different from manual time entry employees. On November 15, it is anticipated that no action will be needed from employees using Kronos as Kronos data will be loaded to Workday. Managers would just continue current state processes of adjusting codes as needed. This task would just be completed in Workday rather than in PHR.

PHR Graduate Faculty Module

Friday, 10/25
  • Last day to add personal information for special members for entry in the PHR graduate faculty module
  • Last day to submit graduate nominations

PHR Data Warehouse Tables

The PHR data warehouse tables will remain after PHR is retired, there will just be a date where data no longer updates in the tables.

The last date these tables will be updated is still being planned.

eTerp (UMCP)

Friday, 9/13
  • Message posted on eTERP recruiting portals about shift to Workday
  • Last day for position changes, reclassifications, promotions, in band adjustments, updates to job descriptions to be routed to UHR support in eTerp
Friday, 10/4

Posting Deadline for new and existing vacant positions.

  • Last day for UHR to receive eTerp actions/ requests for postings for new positions.
  • Last day for creating postings in eTerp for reposting existing vacant positions that don't have changes to the job description. Incomplete job requisitions will need to be reentered into Workday
Friday, 10/11
  • Last day for search waivers to be approved
Friday, 10/25
  • Last day for creating or change faculty positions in eTERP that do not require posting
Friday, 11/1
  • No hiring proposals submitted in eTERP after this date.  
  • UHR to begin the close out process in eTerp postings with no active recruitments (i.e. no applicants or only screened applicants who have been disqualified and notified)
Friday, 11/15 (go-live)
  • Begin entering eTerp hires into Workday as direct hires
  • First day to post jobs on Workday job site
  • UHR resumes processing stopped previously
Friday, 12/20
  • Last day for departments to disposition candidates in eTerp
Monday, 1/6/25
  • UHR to remove eTERP access for users with no active eTerp recruitments 
  • UHR will provide instructions for departments with active recruitments in eTERP.

Tracker I-9 System

Sunday, 11/3
  • Last day to enter I-9 information in Tracker and be automatically converted to Workday by go-live
Tuesday, 11/12
  • Last day to begin I-9 process in Tracker
Wednesday, 11/15
  • First day to start I-9 process in Workday
Friday, 11/18
  • Last day to complete I-9 process in Tracker

USMO Job Postings

  • Last day to post jobs on USMO job site
  • USMO Job Site taken down

PeopleAdmin (UMES)

Last day activities for this system are still being planned. Check back at a later date for updates.

PeopleAdmin (UMCES)

  • Last day to initiate position changes, reclassifications, in band adjustments, promotions, updates to job descriptions
  • Last day for creating postings in PeopleAdmin. Incomplete job requisitions will need to be reentered into Workday
  • Close postings from prior to 10/1 with no applicants or screened applicants who have been disqualified and notified
  • Complete active recruitment in PeopleAdmin
  • UMCES PeopleAdmin set to read-only

State Funded Summer Research Application Tracking

Last day activities on this system are still being planned. Check back at a later date for any last day activities for this system.

Faculty Affairs Contract System

The Faculty Affairs contract system is not being replaced by Workday. However, once Workday is live, contract details will need to be entered in both Workday and the Faculty Affairs system. Key dates for this process change from PHR are listed below.

  • Last day to enter contract details in the Faculty Affairs system and have them automatically loaded to Workday.
  • Any contract details added or updated in the Faculty Affairs system after this date will need to be entered into Workday.

Academic Staffing

Below are milestones related to academic staffing. These milestones take place in PHR, but are called out specifically to assist with a smooth transition to Workday.

  • Faculty Affairs to enter Adjunct II Status Dates for any new Adjunct II's in PHR
  • Enter faculty and joint positions in PHR for PPD11
  • Last day to enter Tenure Review Years, Tenure Award Dates, and Librarian Permanent Status Review Years effective 11/2 or earlier. Any changes after this date should be held until Workday is live. Future Tenure Award Dates and Tenure Review Years for Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty should not be entered into PHR and should be held until Workday is live.


The Finance cutover to Workday will follow the normal month end process with some earlier cutoff dates. KFS will close at the end of the day on October 31 and remain closed. Financial processing will resume when Workday is live on November 15.

Below are key milestone dates for the cutover to Workday Finance. 

Kuali Financial System (KFS)

  • Last day to make changes in Kuali Research that add new sponsored accounts or modify existing sponsored accounts in KFS.  KR will continue to be operational after this date. All changes made in Kuali Research after 10/9 will not be reflected in KFS and will instead be reflected in Workday once it is live.

Chart of Accounts

  • Add new KFS account (Non-Sponsor)
  • Add new KFS Org Code
  • Add new KFS Object Code
  • Modify existing KFS account (Non-Sponsor)
  • Modify an existing KFS Org Code
  • Modify existing KFS Object Code
  • Add or modify Sponsor Accounts in KFS (partner institutions)

Accounts Payable

  • Last date to submit a Working Fund check request for between 11/1 and 11/15
  • Departments to submit Non-Payroll (hard copy) Travel Expense Statements
  • Departments to submit invoices to Central AP to be paid by end of month
  • Departments to approve disbursement vouchers
  • Deadline for KFS Budget Amendments (BAs) to be submitted
  • Last day to initiate a vendor request/change
  • Last day to final approve a vendor request/change
  • Last day to submit KFS Financial Documents (DI, GEC, AV, JV, IB, SB, TOF, ST, LLJV) to central administration
  • Last day to Create Customer Invoices in KFS
  • Last day for Capital and Construction Additions/Adjustments
  • Last day for assets to be tagged and approved in KFS
  • Last day to submit a Report of Cash Collection & Deposit to SFSC
  • Last Day to Create Customer Invoices in KFS
  • Financial Document/Payment Request not approved will be Auto Disapproved
  • Run Depreciation (UMCP)
  • KFS set to read-only (COB)


  • Last day for purchases to be made with Guy Brown and Rudolph (Shell Shop or direct website)
  • PCard can continue to be used for Guy Brown and Rudolph* after this date
  • Last day for delegated and Shell Shop (non-office supply/catalog only) requisitions to be fully approved (ALL university approvals must be completed by this date). Shell Shop will be closed after this date for existing UMCP and USG users until Workday is live. All delegated POs must be printed by 5:00 pm 10/25 and in an Open status in KFS to be loaded into Workday.
  • Last day to print purchase orders and purchase order amendments in KFS.


Billing Cycle Ending 9/25/24
  • P-card transactions post to KFS
  • Deadline for electronic signoff by reviewer in PCMS
Billing cycle ending 10/25/24
  • Last October billing cycle transactions loaded to PCMS (transactions through 10/25)
  • Deadline to complete reconciliation in PCMS
  • Deadline for electronic sign-off by reviewers in PCMS
10/31/24PCMS set to read only
Billing cycle ending 11/27/24 (no November billing cycle transactions will be loaded to PCMS)
  • Workday available for PCard reconciliation
  • Last November billing cycle transactions loaded to Workday
  • Last day to complete reconciliation in Workday for November cycle


Concur will continue to be available during the cutover to Workday, with some deadlines earlier than normal. See below for key dates.

*Dates below are estimates.  Once FY25 payroll dates are available these dates may change

  • Last day to submit non-employee travel to AP for expenses approved in Concur. Expenses after this date will be held in Concur until Workday is live.
  • Last day to final approve employee expense reports in Concur for reimbursement on 11/10 (must be approved by COB)
  • Last file of travel requests with obligations are posted to KFS. Obligations for travel requests approved after this date will be posted once Workday is live.

Effort Reporting

The second effort reporting period of 2024 that runs July 1 to December 31 will be split into periods 2a and 2b.

Period 2a reports will be completed in PHR with an abbreviated timeframe for sign-off, and period 2b reports will be completed in Workday.

  • Final salary transfers for 2024 Period 2a (7/1/24 - 11/2/24)
  • 2024 Period 2a ends in PHR (7/1/24-11/4/24)
  • 2024 2b begins in Workday (11/4/24 - 12/31/24)
  • Deadline to sign-off on effort reports in PHR for period 2a


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