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Academic Appointments

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Academics is the functional area that structures academic units and maintains academic appointments. Academic appointments hold all academic information about a faculty relationship with the institution. Academic units organize academic appointment information and can represent a college, department, or unit. Academics and HR transactions are often linked; positions/jobs and academic appointments are connected, but tasks are completed independently.

Applications (Apps)

Academics – Employees can use the Academics app to begin tasks or view information related to Academics. The app contains a collection of dashboards that automatically organize data on the following: all academic faculty, Tenured and Tenure track (TTK), Professional Track Faculty (PTK), and Adjunct faculty.


The following tasks are used to add, maintain/change, and end faculty relationships to the institution:

  • Add Academic Appointment
  • Update Academic Appointment
  • End Academic Appointment


  • RPT051 ACADEMIC INFORMATION UMCP Graduate Faculty Lookup – This report assists in the lookup of graduate faculty who serve on graduate committees, etc.
  • RPT756 ACADEMIC INFORMATION Upcoming Tenure Review Year – This report returns academics with upcoming tenure probationary end dates within the next 3 months.  It will also return results for academics with past due dates.
  • RPT760 ACADEMIC INFORMATION Indexed All Workers - Adjunct Status – This report returns active faculty only and provides filter criteria for Adjunct I Status, Sup Org, and Subordinates.

This table includes the relevant course(s). You can enroll in courses at any time on the On-Demand Courses page.


Course Title Description
Academic Appointments This course helps you understand how to complete academic staffing processes within Workday. You will learn how to add, update, and end academic appointments.

What Faculty Affairs systems are remaining in place?

The Faculty Contracts System, APT/APA System, Dean Search & Evaluation, Faculty Sabbatical/LWOP & Tenure Delays System, and Faculty Success are all staying in place and will work in tandem with Workday.

How will rank be recorded?

Rank must correlate to the Title (Appointment Specialty) and be in agreement with Track Type on the Academic Appointment.

Will departments be able to adjust Adjunct II increments?

It is processed as a one time payment and only faculty who have an Adjunct II Date (entered by Faculty Affairs) are eligible for the “Adjunct II Faculty Award” one time payment. 

Will we be able to see the joint institution even if they are not a tenant partner? 

Yes, all USM institutions are available as a selection for joint across institutions, i.e., University of Maryland College Park, University of Maryland Baltimore, Towson University, etc.The joint institution is entered as a Professional Affiliation and is displayed on the Joint Across Institutions tab when viewing Academic data in Workday.

Can a faculty member have one (1) primary academic appointment and a different primary employment position?

Position side is separate from the appointment side so that is possible. The tenure home will always be the primary academic appointment for a Tenured/Tenure Track faculty member and that may be different on the position side.

What is an example of a Data Change appointment reason?

Appointment Start Date is one example of a Data Change.  

Would an affiliate appointment only have an academic appointment?  Would this grant them rights to campus systems like email, library access, etc?

Affiliate with TTK refers to those Affiliate professorial titles such as Affiliate Professor and are only appropriate when the faculty member holds that faculty rank in a paid capacity elsewhere on campus. Similarly, Affiliate with PTK and Affiliate with Librarian are only appropriate when the faculty member holds that faculty rank in a paid capacity elsewhere on campus. “Affiliates” in the  PHR Affiliates system (e.g. Basic, Regular & Research Affiliates) are Non-Paid Non Workers in Workday and do not have an Academic Appointment. The use of Academic Affiliate is reserved for a very specific population which are those individuals who serve as Special Members or Full Intercampus Members of the Graduate Faculty and do not have an employee record within Workday.

Will the Add Academic Appointment process have a warning or stop if the Appointment Specialty and Title are edited to a different title?

Yes, the validation will display an error indicating the requirement that the Appointment Specialty and Title must match.

When entering an additional appointment, will Workday indicate the worker now has an FTE of 2 and needs to be fixed?  

On the Academic Appointment, Roster % is populated automatically when the Academic Appointment is linked to a Position but it is not the same as FTE. FTE % is on the position side of Workday. In our Workday configuration, we are not using the Roster % field so while it is automatically populated, there are no edits or requirements related to the field.

Will people need to end TTK home appointments when someone leaves?

When it is connected to a position, End Job or Termination triggers the End Academic Appointment process. Communication and reports within Workday also facilitates the notification to Academic Analysts when all jobs have terminated for a worker yet academic appointments remain in place.

Is there a warning if a unit tries to create a primary Emeriti appointment?

Only Faculty Affairs can create or modify the Faculty-Primary Emeriti appointment in order to ensure the integrity of the Emeriti Title & Date.

Will Workday monitor duration limits on PTK appointments? 

The appointment duration of PTK and Other Faculty appointments are determined by the Contract details (the dates entered on the position side after a faculty contract has been completed when staffing or renewing a position). The Academic Appointment Dates must match the Contract Dates.

Will we be able to upload proof of degree?

Yes. You can attach PDFs and documentation on the Academic Appointment entry screen. For any faculty, you can attach the proof of degree. However, the proof of degree for a new Tenure Track faculty member remains a direct communication between the awarding institution and the Provost’s Office.

If departments merge, where will the faculty tenure home be? During a merge, the original tenure dates will hold, right?

The Tenure Home is updated to reflect the new Tenure Home unit and Tenure Dates will be retained.

For a division that is not under Academic Affairs but has PTK and other non-TTK faculty appointments, what will be the approval process?

For UMCP, when a unit outside of the Division of Academic Affairs is going through the Hire/Add Job/Change Job process for a faculty position, Faculty Affairs is included in the approval process. For faculty outside of Academic Affairs they will only have a Faculty title on the position side but they will not have an Academic Appointment as they are not in an Academic Unit. 

If it's the first "faculty" appointment but not an initial appt would that route automatically to the Provost-level for final approval?

Yes, the first ever faculty appointment in Workday routes to the Provost-level approver.

If an individual who is not an employee nor a contingent worker needs to submit a research proposal, how is that handled?

If the individual who needs to submit a research proposal is not a current employee nor a contingent worker, the HR Analyst in the department will begin with the Contract Contingent Worker process to set them up as a non-paid faculty and then the Academic Analyst will create an Academic Appointment for the non-paid faculty member who can then submit a research proposal.

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