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Participating in Workday Q&A

Workday Q&A are Zoom sessions to address your questions about Workday functionality. These sessions are not recorded to allow for a more comfortable setting to ask questions. 

Workday Q&A sessions are NOT for requesting configuration changes, inquiring about processes outside of Workday, providing feedback on courses, requesting security role changes, or seeing demonstrations of Workday.

General Rules

  • Remain on mute unless speaking.
  • Remember the employee data you are viewing is confidential and cannot be discussed with others.
  • Remember your resources: On-Demand Courses and Learning Hubs (which contain the job aids).

Using Zoom

  • Ensure your name in Zoom displays your full name and institution. To do this, click the three dots by your picture, then click Rename.
  • View captions. In the meeting controls toolbar, click the Show Captions icon.

Entering Breakout Rooms

You can self-select what breakout room you want to join by following these steps:

  1. Select the Breakout Rooms icon at the bottom of your Zoom screen. 
  2. Locate the room you want to enter and click Join. When prompted to confirm you want to enter the room, click Yes.
Breakout room icon and the user interface that allows you to join a room

From the breakout room, you can choose to move to a different breakout room if you have other functional area questions. To do so, follow the same steps. You can also go back to the main room at any time.

To exit to the main room, select Leave Room in the bottom right corner of your Zoom screen and click Leave Breakout Room.

The Zoom interface to Leave the Meeting or Leave the Breakout Room

Please reach out to users with (Session Support) next to their names in a direct message if you need assistance.

How do I open breakout rooms on my phone?

  1. Tap Breakout Rooms on the top-left side of the meeting controls. This will display the list of open breakout rooms created by the host.
  2. Tap the breakout room you wish to participant in.
  3. Tap Join.

Repeat as necessary to join other breakout rooms, or click Leave Room to return to the main session.

Note: Participants not joined with the desktop or mobile app (version 5.3.0 or higher) will not be able to self-select a breakout room. The host will need to facilitate moving these participants manually.  

This graphic shows a mobile interface with options to Join Breakout Room, then select the room, and then Join the Breakout Room.

Asking Questions

  • Raise your hand or use the Chat.
  • Hold questions that you wish to ask verbally until we pause for questions.
  • Avoid asking questions that include personally identifiable information (PII) or other sensitive information.

Breakout Rooms

Finance Breakout Rooms

  1. Procurement (Requisitions), P-Cards
  2. Customers and AR, Suppliers and AP
  3. Grants, Effort Certification
  4. FDM/Worktags, Accounting Journals, Assets, Internal Billing
  5. Financial Reports in Workday

HCM Breakout Rooms

  1. Recruit to Hire; Job Requisitions; Creating and Modifying Positions; Hire & Onboarding
  2. Job Changes; Salary Changes; Compensation; One Time Pay; Non-Standard Pay; Overloads - Period Activity Pay; Benefits
  3. Time Tracking; Absence Management
  4. Talent Data & Goals; Workday Learning
  5. Academic Appointments; Add/Update/End Academic Appointments; Academic Dashboard/Reports; Graduate Faculty Membership/Reports
  6. Payroll; Payroll Accounting

Practicing in the Workday Readiness Tenant

Remember that you have to the Workday Readiness tenant, a practice environment. Please log in by clicking the SSO option, which will allow you to use CAS to sign in.

Refer to the Readiness Tenant Guide for more information on what you can or cannot do in the tenant (UMD10).

Click SSO option to sign into the Workday Readiness tenant
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