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Workday is the reporting system for incidents in which authorized central users can document an occurrence. Central users can use the safety module to report, view, and update details about the incident. The First Report of Injury form is completed and submitted by the employee and/or manager. The form is then forwarded to the Safety Partner who enters the information into Workday.


  • Report Safety Incident – This task is for users with safety security roles to report a safety incident. 
  • View Safety Incident –  This task is for users with safety security roles to view a safety incident that has been reported.
  • Update Safety Incident – This task is for users with safety security roles to update a safety incident that has been reported.


The following reports are used by Safety Partners to show involved parties within a set date range for a specific location:

  • RPT464 HCM CORE OSHA Safety Incident Report 300 – The report contains only government-reportable incidents. Details include the date of the injury, case number, the injured party's name, job title, where the event occurred, a brief description of the safety incident, the number of days away, restricted or transferred, and the illness or injury type. 
  • RPT548 OSHA Safety Incident 300a Summary Report – The report contains only government-reportable incidents. Required prompts for Start Date and End Date.

For Campus Units and Central Office:

Will affected parties receive notifications related to time off?

As part of this process, a notification is sent to the Employee and Manager to document time off/leave of absence accordingly.

Can I change information in the original report?

The report can be updated as needed in the Workday system. 

Is the "location" field the location of the injury or the injured worker's work location?

The "location" field is the location of the injury.

Are involved parties those who contributed to the accident, witnessed it, or both?

Involved parties are only injured persons in the safety incident. You can add multiple involved parties per incident if needed. There are sections to add notes from witnesses. 

Can you choose more than one type of injury?

The Body Part/Side field is multi-select allowing you to select multiple injured body parts as needed. The notes field(s) can be used for more detailed descriptions of the incident and the injuries. 

If the worker is hospitalized is anyone in Worker’s Comp flagged?

There is currently no role in the system for Worker’s Comp so this happens outside of Workday.

Can we save all files related to the incident in Workday?

You can attach the report of injury in addition to other documentation (i.e. medical documentation, restricted duty information, etc.)

Can a safety partner see who is currently on restricted duty?

A Safety Partner can see all employees they support and if they are on restricted duty or not.

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